END-SURE 2023 Race Week Email
Submitted by beek on Wed, 03/29/2023 - 11:31
Hi y'all!
Hope you've been watching the weather, because otherwise this will be a surprise: it's snowy. As we did last year, the race will be held on the four-mile Oak Leaf Trail, with everyone running as many laps as it takes to get the distance they want.
As Race Director Mike writes: "There's way more snow this year." He continues "Realistically thinking that the 25K might be doable in a reasonable amount of time, but 31 miles could be tough and 62 is hard to imagine."
Sounds like an adventure in conditions! Four-mile loops might sound boring, but they give ample opportunity to come back to the same point, assess how you're feeling, grab a bite, switch out your shoes or clothing, and get back out there. Might be a good day to experiment with gear, suffering along with a bunch of others.
The loop has been/will be packed down with snowshoes, but be ready. Trekking poles/ski poles and snowshoes are allowed.
"But ENDracing!" you exclaim, "I want to win the 25K/50K/100K! That's what I signed up for!" Scoring will be similar to what we do for END-TOMBED/END-TRAILS. If you get to the number of laps equivalent to 25K first, you win that race. But if you don't make that many laps, we'll count the number you finished and rank everyone by that. Course cutoff times are in the course book (10 hours for 25K and 50K, 16 hours for 100K), after which we won't count laps.
If possible, please print off a waiver, sign it, and bring it with you to the start. If you have multiple people together, throw your names/signatures/dates on the same sheet of paper. Waiver is here.
More information is in the course book. If you see something weird/wrong/missing, drop a line back here (hello@endracing.com) and we'll get it addressed. You can also ask us on the Facebook event, Twitter, or Mastodon if social media is your bag.
See you soon!
END crew