Submitted by andy on Wed, 08/22/2012 - 14:04
Registration is closed. The race is three days away. Maps are done, all the remote CP's are in place.
The schedule/rules/outline has been updated - RACERS - please check it out, read it thoroughly, and come prepared. If you want a copy, print one... we're not bringing copies for teams to the event.
Ask questions if you have em.
Get ready for the toughest race in the state, cause it's ready for you!
Fans, Friends, Family? Follow the race live HERE, or click on the link on the right link bar. You'll get live updates via facebook or follow @endracing on twitter for updates straight to your mobile device. And don't be shy - join in the conversation - root for your team, talk smack to their competition (keeping it clean of course) - it's all good!
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