May 16th END-COVID-19 Drawing

On May 16th, Brian, Scott, and I met in rural Cummings, ND at Highland Lutheran Church to hold a random drawing for those participating in END-COVID-19. The list of prizes and winners are here. I will be contacting you in order to get these items into your hands.

Thank you for particiapting in this event. Your dedication to staying healthy, participating without a group setting, and stretching your limits is awesome!

Another drawing will be held in early June at the completion of the event. Soon there will be a link to the Minnesota Sisters, ENDracing store. This will give you a way to purchase t-shirts directly. There will be two material options (tri-blend + wicking) and two color options for each material. These shirts will be available in youth and adult sizes.  2 t-shirts were given away in the initial drawing and 2 more will be given away at the conclusion of the event.


END-COVID-19 Drawing for May 16, 2020


ENDracing Buff

  1.      Justin Phillips

  2.      Noelle Andrtychowicz

  3.      Sharessa Gutierrez

  4.      Daimen Jackson


Hammer Gel Variety Pack

  1.      Beka Swisher

  2.      Jackie Schofield


Coaster Set

  1.      Joan Rose

  2.      Brittany Denesha-Jackson


Toilet Paper

  1.      Jeffery Jones


Reusable Straws

  1.     Chad Kurtyka

  2.     Kellee Black



  1.    Aspen Jackson

  2.    Ben Geyer

  3.    Austin Mack

  4.    Tiffany McQueen


END-COVID-19 t-Shirt

  1.    Evan Swisher

  2.    Chris Bloyer

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