It's the most wonderful time of the year...watching the END-WET roster fill up with excited (terrified?) marathon swimmers from all over the country!
There's just one more thing we're lacking: a guest swimmer. If you've done the race before, you know that we've brought in one special guest each who can give a presentation to the group. We've picked people we think are ambassadors for the sport of open-water swimming in one way or another (sometimes by doing crazy things), but they've all been some of the most awesomely nice people we've ever met: Darren Miller, Jen Schumacher, Annaleise Carr, Sarah Thomas, and Jeff Utsch.
Again this year, we're asking you, the swimming community, for your nominations. Who exemplifies OWS and/or marathon swimming to you? Who has a story to share, or exemplifies sport in a positive way? Send us an email (hello@endracing.com) and tell us who you're nominating and why. We'll pick someone* and cover their flight, lodging, and food while they're here.
Free race for the price of a short talk? Heck yeah.
2017 travel scheduling is happening now, so send in those nominations ASAP--we plan on figuring this all out by February. Email us here: hello@endracing.com.
Happy Nominating!
*Don't worry if you get nominated and weren't expecting a free trip to North Dakota: we're going to confirm all this stuff in private before announcing. :-)
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