I'm titling my experience in directing events for the 2019 ENDracing season as "Serenity Prayer Plus." In March END-SURE had to be rerouted from its usual course in the scenic Sheyenne National Grasslands due to copious amounts of snow. Both END-TICK and most recently END-CHIP (both gravel grinders) were less than ideal events due to weather conditions. As one rider said of END-CHIP, "This free event is costing me plenty in bike repairs." At least he had a smile on his face!
So, both END-TOMBED & END-TRAILS are being modified due to situations beyond human control. Turtle River State Park received about 20" of snow last weekend. This on top of saturated soil. The strong winds and heavy snow caused many trees to snap, limbs to break, and generally wreak havoc throughout the Park. While Larry Hagen and the excellent, dedicated staff at the Park are working where they can (can't get off pavement due to soft, muddy, and impassible ground) there will be no usage of the trails for either event. This is not only out of concern for the safety of participants, but for the short and long-term integrity of the trail system. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change."
So, what is the modification? Both events will use the Woodland Lodge as in previous years. However, in the Park riding and running will be done on pavement. The routes for the specific events will then go onto gravel roads to the east and north of the Park. Both will consist of loops, but the challenge, skill set, and beauty of the trails will be minimal. Many people involved in ENDracing have collaborated, shared ideas, opinions, and options. This has been an emotionally taxing time while creating a bond of respect for all involved in this process.
The long established policy for ENDracing refunds: "The courage to change the things I can."
In this particular situation, in part due to the very nature of the event being changed from trails to roadways, I add the following:
While ENDracing does not offer refunds and transferring entry to another participant at this time is difficult, we will issue a 100% your payment as a credit to another ENDracing event. (Not the 75% as stated in the policy). This will be in effect for 1 year from the date of these events. HOWEVER, it is your responsibility to inform us of your decision not to participate. Simply not showing up on the 26th or 27th will not give you the 100% credit. We need to know by 10am (CDT) on Thursday, October 24th. This can be accomplished by posting on the "Comment" section of this post or at hello@endracing.com
"And the wisdom to know the difference."
I desire the events I direct to meet the long standing quality which ENDracing has established. I also am concerned for more than an event. People, parks, environment, safety, community, and longevity of relationships are of greater value to me. Please let us know if you DO NOT plan to participate in the modified event(s) so you get the 100% credit.
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