Submitted by andy on Mon, 08/27/2012 - 16:00
The race is over! We'll sort through the time sheets and wristbands over the next couple of days and compile complete results. Photo link is on the event page, and one racer video has already been added. more videos and photos will be added as we get them.
To all the racers - it was an honor and inspiration having you all out doing our race this last weekend. Ultimately you're why we do it - why we get the best volunteers coming back again and again, why the people of the region are so accommodating and why all the private land owners (not all of them typically so open) let us play in their back-yards for a day.
To all the volunteers - i can't thank you enough for your help. I couldn't have given you the credit due at the awards ceremony, even had i been fully with it (which i clearly wasn't!). You are the reason why this tough little race continues to attract new racers every year, why the feedback we receive is overwhelmingly positive, and why they keep going at one in the morning despite the miserable suffering they are enduring. You're all awesome, and we simply can't do it without you.
More updates, race stories, etc etc will trickle in over time - but i just had to extend my deepest appreciations to all of you.