Powerful Initials - END-TICK Cancellation

It is interesting how acronyms impact our lives. They can be time saving and fun (lmao, fwiw, tmi) or embarrassing (DNS, DNF in sporting events) and even frightening (COVID-19). Acronyms are symbolic shorthand which express layers of meaning. The events of ENDracing often consist of fun acronyms (SURE, WET, TOMBED), yet what is important to the directors of ENDracing events are people. We want people to push perceived personal limits. We want to provide hospitality and a feeling of community. Encircling all of this we want to provide an environment which maintains safety while minimizing apparent dangers. In assessing sources of reliable information both scientific and medical, I along with my ENDracing colleagues made the decision to cancel END-TICK for 2020.

I often feel invincible in the midst of this pandemic. I haven't been ill in years, maybe decades. Runny nose, feeling a bit blah occasionally in the past, but nothing that stopped me from daily activities. Like many I have run on blistered feet, toenails have come off while removing socks, frostbitten extremities have been noted, hallucinations from fatigue, and dehydration have all been a part of endurance events. With all of these badges to prove my stamina, what is a little pandemic? We are tough. We can endure. We are unstoppable.

It is that type of unchecked self-talk that causes untold injury (physical, emotional, spiritual) to one's self and others for a long time. My desire is for all of us to be safe, resilient, and to enjoy life. Cancelling a gravel bike event is small stuff in the total scheme of life, IMO.

Get out and ride! Challenge the grandiose self-talk which builds the belief of invulnerability. Wash hands. Keep distance. Encourage others to do the same. COVID-19 has and will destroy lives and relationships. In this pandemic I would rather have a DNS next to my name than a DNF.

END-CHIP is still scheduled for October 10th!

Status Update

Beek, Joel, Tim and Don had a little END-ZOOM this evening to discuss upcoming events ... considering the current circumstances we are facing as a planet. The three upcoming races we discussed are END-TICK, END-WET and Wilderman. We are canceling END-TICK at this time (more to come from Tim in the coming days). We are holding out hope that we can still hold the other two events, but we will post more as this pandemic unfolds and determines all of our plans for the coming weeks/months. We will report back as soon as we can be comfortable that hosting any of these races is the safe and responsible (...I get the irony considering these are extreme events) thing to do...or not.
We wish you all well. Please be safe and social distance to the greatest degree you are able. Together we'll get through this.
Cheers from the ENDracing crew!!!
PS: Crossposted on Facebook.

END-SURE Important Update

A simplified definition of Chaos Theory states, "A very small change may make the system behave completely differently." The Covid 19 pandemic (the power of a microscopic molecule) has made many systems (all interconnected) behave differently. I have many reactions, thoughts, and feelings about the current situation. Yet, I am interconnected to a larger community and care deeply for others. Thus I need to make decisions based upon these factors.

END-SURE will not take place in 2020. Registrations will be deferred to the 2021 END-SURE or to other ENDracing events scheduled for 2020. You may also request a refund. This will be based upon our refund policy. When this policy was crafted no one considered a "pandemic clause". If you have specific questions or concerns regarding this policy please contact ENDracing. We value your support and participation in our events. Our desire is to continue providing high quality, challenging events while valuing each individual.

Personally, I would rather be outside in the expanse of nature than in a movie theater, business meeting, or assembly hall. However, I do not always get what I want. I, too live in a diverse and interconnected world. I consider my training not as event specific, but for life in general. I hope that everyone who reads this will not succumb to despair or panic, but keep moving forward as life and relationships are of utmost value.


Tim Bauer

Extra day to save on END-SURE!

If all your other marketing emails haven't told you yet: it's a leap year!

Use that extra day for fun, relaxation, and to sign up for END-SURE before the last price increase on March 1st.

(or maybe spend that day trying to guess what the race day weather will be?)

March 21, 2020

25K, 50K, 100K, or 100 miles of sandy, slushy, snowy goodness.


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If you haven't looked at our other 2020 races recently, check them out, ask us questions on email or social media, and get on those rosters!


Do Race Directors Really Race?

I (Tim Bauer) began my association with ENDracing by meeting Andy Magness and participating in the inaugural END-SURE in 2013. It was a 50k distance, following a snowmobile track through the Sheyenne National Grasslands starting on a -10F morning. My connection with ENDracing has continued over the years. I am currently the primary director for: END-SURE, END-TICK, END-CHIP, END-TOMBED, and END-TRAILS. I also search, investigate, listen, and plot new events to stimulate others to challenge their perceived limits while encountering new dimensions of physical, emotional, and spiritual endurance. Oh yeah, I also work as a specialized pastoral care provider for a congregation, as well as independently. In that roll I am a Protestant Christian. 

This coming weekend (February 14-16, 2020) I will be participating in Actif Epica (actifepi.ca). This multi-discipline and multi-distance event begins and ends at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is my 4th time participating and hopefully my 1st time completing the event. I am in the 160 km (100 mile) foot division. There are 12 registered for this division. Start time is 8pm Friday with cut-off at 9am Sunday. It is one thing to direct long distance events and entirely different to be participating in one. 

What follows are portions of 2 articles I crafted (Congregational Newsletter and "Forward in Faith" column for the Hillsboro Banner Newspaper of Hillsboro ND) about my perspectives on training, event participation, and endurance. I hope the images provide insight into myself and my understanding of the connections between endurance events and faith in something greater than self. 

I have attempted to complete this a number of times. I have used different modes of movement. I have taken a few years off. Yet the need to attempt it again is great. In a couple of weeks I participate in Actif Epica (actifepi.ca) which begins and ends at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I will be traversing the 162Km (100 mile) distance on foot.


Some ask, “Why keep trying to complete this event?” Others encourage me to, “Try one of the shorter distances.” I understand their questions and suggestions, but the reasons for another attempt go beneath the surface. There is an aspect of physical endurance in harsh, unpredictable winter conditions that I find appealing. Figuring out what combination of clothing and gear is appropriate for the particular temperatures is challenging. More important are the psychological/mental aspects of this distance and this event. Yes, it requires physical ability.  Yet moving forward over the endless miles of Manitoba prairie necessitates a tenacious mental attitude. Numerous reasons to quit pass through my mind especially while receiving food and beverage in the warmth of a checkpoint filled with cheerful volunteers. Being alone in the dark of night has a unique beauty. Yet the demons of despair are alongside me taunting my psyche and telling me I will not finish. 


As much as I enjoy being with other people it will not take many miles before participants are traveling at their respective paces. (I remind myself that I have paid for all 37 hours so there is no reason to rush.) Relative isolation becomes a reality. It is a journey with and within myself that I both cherish and dread.


Faith is lived within community, as well as in isolation. There are angelic and demonic attitudes and experiences which are part of life’s journey. For me, this event is an extension and expression of faith. Embracing each moment, taking what comes without critical critique, all while realizing God is not judging nor chastising . God is alongside of me. That reality is an incentive to keep moving forward. There is not a finish line to faith. Faith is the core strength of the journey. Keep moving forward, cherishing the companionship of others, as well as the times of isolation. Participation in life is why I sign up and return to such events.

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Training for winter events is usually a solitary experience. Not too many people want to accompany me for hours along gravel roads in a variety of weather conditions. Discovering and remembering the correct combination of clothing and gear for the changing temperatures is a yearly challenge. This is a process of “trial and error” that consumes copious amounts of time and physical activity. Trekking, as well as snowshoeing with a backpack filled with required gear, calories, and liquids (not turning into ice) is ideally a daily occurrence. However, life and work get in the way of the training routine. Making adjustments becomes another routine in this endeavor. 


Others ask me and I ask myself, “Why are you doing this?” I also contemplate why I spend money for registration, travel expenses, equipment, etc. just to spend numerous hours trekking across the prairie. Mainly, I train by myself. I seek advice from others both in person and online. I can participate in this voluntary venture without restrictions on the day, time, or number of participants. I can simply go out and do it. I can enjoy myself in a variety of settings and circumstances all while gaining stamina and strength. It benefits my mental and physical health and by so doing impacts my day-to-day interactions with others. 


As I reflect upon this activity I see connections to faith and faith community involvement. Faith is something which blossoms with practice. Preferably faith is practiced daily in a variety of settings and circumstances.  Faith is not a “one size fits all” item. I see faith as an experiment of one which necessitates a great amount of trial and error. Sometimes life gets in the way of faith practice which exposes the irony of compartmentalizing and separating the two realities. Faith should positively impact mental and physical health and in so doing benefit the larger community in which we live. 


If I would go on to say that congregational and worship participation is necessary for faith, many of you would laugh at the inconsistency in that statement. Gathering with others, sharing stories and struggles, making connections and garnering perspective are all important but not necessary. I choose to register and participate in organized events in order to connect not compete. Travel provides opportunity to gain a larger perspective and a greater insight into diversity. My skills and abilities to adapt to changing conditions cannot be measured by 37 hours of official timing. There is no “finish line” for life or faith in my perspective. One event, one experience, one training season may conclude, but there are more to come.  Actif Epica is a great event, but it too is simply a training event in life.


Participate in faith and life daily. Trial and error is nothing to avoid, but to cherish for the insight it provides. Sign up and attend events in order to make connections and receive encouragement. However, do not equate living faith with specific days, times, and sanctioned events. Faith and life are inseparable. Keep living. Keep moving forward.


