Revision of END-BACKYARD Ultra from Wed, 04/10/2024 - 13:47

 August 3 until ??? 2024, Jamestown, ND

Race Summary:

An "official" Backyard Ultra!


Date:  August 3 2024 to ???

Format: Run laps until there is a winner.

No, really! The standard backyard ultra has a course 4 miles, 880 feet (6.7056 km) long. All runners start each lap ("yard") together, once an hour. If you aren't in the starting corral when the hour starts, you are eliminated (you can totally hang around and cheer for folks). The last person who can start, wins. Individual yard times don't matter, just that each yard is completed in under an hour. We keep track of the number of yards each person does, but not how long it takes them to do it.

We're hoping to put our own ENDracing spin on the event as much as we can. Prepare for super chill race staff--it's your call how much pain you decide to push through.

Other races have different courses of different difficulties, but the general rules are the same. "Most Backyard Ultras are won with between 20 and 30 yards, with low key grassroots events generally running from 12-24 hours."


Pipestem Creek Trail, Jamestown, ND (start and finish).

Course Description:


Other Details:

  • There is a cap of 50 participants.
  • Roster (see who is signed up)



Status Before Apr 1 Apr 1 - May 31 After May 31
Last Human Standing Click here to register $50 $60 $70

Online registration closes 23:59:59 Wednesday of race week.
Refund Policy

Full Rules:

From, with some comments from us.

  • Course must be 4 miles 880 feet in length (6.7056 km)
  • Corral measured to fit entire starting field
  • Corral stays the same size thru out the event
  • Participants must be in the starting corral at the bell
  • Each loop starts precisely 1 hour after the last
  • Warning must be given 3, 2, and 1 minutes prior to start
  • All competitors must start at the bell (no late starts)
  • Except for restrooms, competitor may not leave the course until each loop is completed
  • No non-competitors on the course (including eliminated runners) [We assume this means support crew/pacers and not random hikers]
  • No personal aid during a loop (common aid stations are allowed)
  • Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted… including the final lap.
  • No artificial aids (including trekking poles)
  • Slower runners must allow passes.
  • The winner is the last person to complete a loop
  • All others are technically DNF [in the "official Backayrd Ultra" sense, but we like keeping track of stuff at ENDracing]
  • Results of each runner in terms of distance covered are to be given.
  • If no runner can complete one more loop than anyone else, there is no winner.

Past Races

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