Do Race Directors Really Race?
I (Tim Bauer) began my association with ENDracing by meeting Andy Magness and participating in the inaugural END-SURE in 2013. It was a 50k distance, following a snowmobile track through the Sheyenne National Grasslands starting on a -10F morning. My connection with ENDracing has continued over the years. I am currently the primary director for: END-SURE, END-TICK, END-CHIP, END-TOMBED, and END-TRAILS.
Double Feature Results Preview
Course Maps: Double Feature Update
Visited with Park Manager and received clarification on trails that can be used for Saturday and Sunday. I'll be composing the route maps tonight and getting them to the Park staff. Permitting requires that new map proposals need to be made for the record. The staff at Turtle River State Park are great to work with. They want this to be a positive and safe experience. When you are at the Park you will see the devastation caused by 20" of wet, heavy snow and 60 mph winds. They will be cutting and clearing areas this fall and next spring.
Monday Night Musings: Double Feature Update
Monday Night Musings...when life gives you ground coffee and hot water under extreme pressure.....make espresso!
Today I was able to see in person the devastation that snow and high winds created in Turtle River State Park. Fallen trees, numerous branches both on the ground and hanging from splintered trunks, flowing water, and uprooted tress dotted the trails. HOWEVER....some of each event will be on trails!
Serenity Prayer Plus: Double Feature Update
I'm titling my experience in directing events for the 2019 ENDracing season as "Serenity Prayer Plus." In March END-SURE had to be rerouted from its usual course in the scenic Sheyenne National Grasslands due to copious amounts of snow. Both END-TICK and most recently END-CHIP (both gravel grinders) were less than ideal events due to weather conditions.
Double Feature 2015 Results
Results from the 2015 END-TOMBED/END-TRAILS Double Feature can be found here.
2015 Undead Hall of Fame Contenders
In no particular order, these people are signed up for both Double Feature races:
Men |
Double Feature is Coming
Undead Hall of Fame is Livening Up
It's that time of year again...time for our Halloween Double Feature! More importantly for some of us is the Undead Hall of Fame competition: To gain such status, one must mountain bike over 100 miles in 12 hours at END-TOMBED, get exactly 12 hours of rest, and then run/walk/shamble over 50 miles the next day at END-TRAILS.