It's Winter. Send Us Your Beardcicle!
It's been a rough start to the winter for some of us, but the arctic vortex just meant conditions where primed for great beardcicle formation. Send in your best beardcicle photos, and we'll be giving away a ColdAvenger face mask and two $25 ENDracing codes to our top three favorites. If you don't have a beard, that's okay--we'll accept your truly epic face, balaclava, or mask frost photos as well.
Post Iceman Waxing
This probably doesn’t mean the same thing to me as it does to the thong wearing super-hero from END-IT, but that’s probably a good thing (just teasing – awesome costume). For me the end of every race brings moments of reflection that for reasons unknown, I sometimes feel like sharing, so here goes.
Iceman Thanks
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Three days out Iceman update
What to bring to Iceman
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Coldest day of the year
Well, thats what the radio said anyway. Joel and I thought it fitting to get out on the course. I was underdressed. When he left his office is was -13 F, -34 with wind chill. When i got home the t.v. pegged it at -21/-41. Needless to say, i wouldn't be disappointed if it only got warmer from here.....
Winter Biking 101 - the basics
So you want to do the Iceman but you're a but you're not sure about the bike leg. Well, you're not alone. As those folks who bike year round in any northern city that receives appreciable snowfall can attest to, most people seem to think it's pretty nuts. I'm here to assure you that it's really not. In truth, other than the lower temperatures, there are fewer differences than you might think. The tips below will get you riding through the white stuff on two wheels in no time.
Early Bird Registration extended for END-IT
What were we thinking? Ending early registration on new years eve..... heck, that doesn't make sense? what about all the people who's new years resolution is going to be to get in shape for the yeti division? don't we want to give them a little encouragement and let them save money too?
Fall Wrap-Up