Wilderman Triathlon Relay Option
Hey ENDracers!
Hey ENDracers!
Results of END-SPAR 2015 (our sixth year of this race!) are available here. As always, if you think there is a mistake, please let us know.
Thanks everyone for an AWESOME #ENDSPAR yesterday! It was a tough course for a spring race, but you all pulled through to the end!
I'm exhausted. I hope most of you (END-SPAR racers) are too. We'll get pictures and results posted as soon as we can - i know as a racer i always think it takes so long for this stuff to happen but as a race director i also understand why - so try to be patient.
Well, there were about 5 teams representing out at the orienteering clinic last sunday. For those that missed it and are new to the whole navigation thing, Jim G. has written up some 'how to' hints that will help you get through the race. If you're just beginning, focus on points 1 and 2 and don't worry about number 3 for now. Likely there won't be a need for 'precision' nav in this race - but solid 'rough nav' will help you go fast and more importantly, in the right general direction.